Get in Tune With the Rhythm of Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Discover Craniosacral Massage in Colorado Springs

Craniosacral massage therapy soothes our Colorado Springs clients using gentle touch and effective techniques. Your massage therapist directs attention toward your head and spine to promote pain relief and boost overall well-being. The applied pressure is light, weighing less than a nickel, allowing your massage therapist to detect the subtle pulses of your body’s craniosacral rhythm.

Learn More About How it Works

What Can Craniosacral Therapy Do for Me?

Like your heartbeat, your craniosacral system has its own pulse that our massage artists are trained to detect, as subtle as it may be. They intuitively check for restrictions in this flow that could be caused by past trauma or inflammation. Your craniosacral therapy will assist the natural movement of fluids in deeper layers of your membranes and cerebrospinal fluids from your skull (cranial) to your lower back (sacrum) to:

Never Be Nervous to Try Something New

When the Benefits Matter Most

Just like your cardiologist wants to improve your cardiovascular system, your cranial massage therapist in Colorado Springs, CO, aims to do the same by resetting your craniosacral rhythm. This important pulse of energy flows between your head and pelvic area, at the core of your being. Using very light touches of a few fingers and a little hand pressure, craniosacral therapy can bring significant benefits to:

Headaches or Migraines

Don’t let consistent headaches or debilitating migraines control your life. Find relief with this unique massage therapy focused, in part, on your head or skull.

Chronic Body Pain

From a back that’s always going out to horrible neck pain or whiplash, undergoing craniosacral massage therapy can help alleviate discomfort without medication.

Anxiety and Depression

Depression and anxiety are more prevalent than ever in our society, which is why Colorado Springs turns to craniosacral massage for immediate relief.


Don’t mess with traumatic brain injury (TBI) or post-concussion syndrome (PCS). Their symptoms can make living an everyday life difficult. Cranial massage helps alleviate stress.

TMJ Pain

Millions of people suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain, which can affect how they eat or speak. We relieve tension in the jaw and other TMJ pain points.

Breast-Feeding Challenges

If your newborn has a tongue tie, difficulty latching, colic symptoms, or breast-feeding issues, safe and gentle therapy to their craniosacral system is worth a try.

Learning Disabilities

Does someone in your family have a learning disability like ASD or autism spectrum disorder? Schedule a craniosacral massage for some TLC and relief.

Neurological Disorders

Patients of all ages with Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease have been undergoing craniosacral therapy in Colorado Springs to soothe their symptoms.

We’ve Got a Magic Touch in Colorado Springs

Craniosacral Therapy the Absolute Body Balance Way

Training and Experience

Every massage therapist or artist must undergo careful training to apply their knowledge carefully and consciously for an unmatched craniosacral massage.

Advance Rehabilitation

We can recognize and rehabilitate using light touches of our fingers to detect and relieve blockages that could be causing you stress or pain.

Professional Understanding

Sometimes, craniosacral massages can make you feel emotional because of the relief it brings that you didn’t know you needed; we get it and comfort you.

Testimonials from Real Clients Who Found Relief

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Find All the Answers You’ve Been Searching for

Frequently Asked Questions About Craniosacral Therapy

We get a lot of questions at Absolute Body Balance about our craniosacral massage therapy; here are some answers:

What is craniosacral therapy?
Our craniosacral massage treatment releases restrictions from your central nervous system. This technique uses gentle pressure, no more than the weight of a nickel. Your body’s central nervous system is heavily influenced by your craniosacral system—the membranes and fluid that surround, protect, and nourish the brain and spinal cord. This massage therapy releases the pressure that builds due to daily stress and tension, and removing restrictions allows your body to better self-correct.

This sublte treatment is similar to most of our other massage therapy services in that the goal is to make you feel more relaxed and soothed. We use a touch that doesn’t require as much pressing as a deep tissue massage to locate your body’s blocked areas and any soft tissue restrictions easily. With gentle repositioning, a healthier flow is restored to your cerebrospinal fluid, with the effects of de-stressing or loosening up.

Please understand that emotional release is known to happen during or after this massage treatment. This is a completely normal and healthy response to any bodywork due to a deep mind-body connection. Please communicate with your massage therapist if you need to end the session for any reason. (Also, be sure to check out our other massage therapy services.)

During your session, undressing is option. For our massage artists to do their most effective bodywork, we suggest that you wear loose, comfortable, and not restrictive clothing. This allows your massage therapist to really sense what your body is feeling and communicating. You’ll lie down in one of our soothing spa rooms on a massage table set up for you to do nothing but relax.

You should plan on about three sessions to truly experience the after-effects of craniosacral massage. From there, you can decide how to proceed with treatment. Always feel free to ask your therapist, we are here to help you!

Starting With Tender Touch for More Powerful Healing

Craniosacral Therapy Helps You Heal from Head to Toe

One of the great things about craniosacral therapy is that it can be beneficial on its own or as part of a more in-depth massage treatment for added effectiveness. The good news is that you’ll likely feel the effects after one session for pain relief or illness, leaving you with added stress or trauma to your body. How will craniosacral therapy help you heal?